Monday, February 21, 2005

Our latest news

This last weekend we went out to the cabin by my parents to try to get everything situated for moving it out onto the field. We were going to meet up with Ron and see about how we'll need to go about moving the cabin. Saturday, which would have been a good day probably to meet with Ron, we went to try to get our truck from home which we thought had water in the gas and figured after putting in a bunch of Iso Heat the day before that it would probably start and run without too much trouble and we could then haul the junk out from underneath and around the cabin off so it can be moved. Well the truck started up without too much trouble and seemed to be running decently so we headed into Blackduck first to pick up wic and give the truck a little run before we headed out to the cabin. We got to the golf course and around the corner and lo and behold the truck just plum dies and we try and try and try and finally did get it running again after going and getting wrenches and fuel filter and changing that. Ross drove the truck to Becks in blackduck and gets out of the truck figuring on letting it idle while he goes and asks about what's going on with it and the thing dies and won't start again. So then we left it there since it's a mechanic shop anyway as well as NAPA so they aught to be able to fix it. Well that spent most of our day and we didn't get met up with Ron at all. We hoped to sunday but that didn't work out real well either. We did get the stuff inside straightened out some and we're going to need to put up boards on the loft edge to keep everything from sliding out while moving. We'll fill it up first of course and make sure everything damageable in the cabin is either down on the floor safe or packed in boxes so it can be moved safely first uphill then down and finally up again and around to get it in the right spot. We will then move the trailer we're living in now out to the field spot and connect the 2 together. We're figuring we'll face the cabin the same way it is now, sliding door facing the open field to the south and front door on the west where we will connect the door of the trailer. We'll have to build up a slanted roof on top of the trailer and connected to the cabin to drain off the water away from the building so it doesn't rot out on us. We will also have to get the well and septic in before moving the trailer out there. I'm praying finances will be provided from above for this to all take place this spring to summer. Then next summer we would like to build our first addition with bigger bedrooms and kitchen specifically.
Please pray for us as we are fighting against the enemy hard core in this endeavor.
Blessings to you all,

1 comment:

Beth said...

Looks good so far Lauri.
Keep working at it it gets kind of fun once you get it figured out.