Thursday, July 21, 2005

busy lately

I've been meaning to post more encouraging biblical things and I keep running out of hours in the day to get things done. I don't know if I'd like there to be more hours in the day though, as the days would get really long. I am so tired as it is at the end of the day I sometimes fall into bed and am asleep within minutes. And I always have several things left unfinished at the end of the day. Well, someday I will be more efficient with my time and be able to pay less close attention to the kids and get more done in a day.
I wanted to let you all know that we have our meter stand up on our property in PV so those of you who think you need to drive across our property kitty corner please don't!! The meter stand is right in the middle where the side of the house is going to be in the end. The surveyor/planner guy told Ross and Mom that the waiting period is at about a week and a half right now so we should have electricity in there within 2 weeks and then we will move our trailer house out there and work more on getting the well and septic in or at least an outhouse in before winter.
So that is where we're sitting right now for those that care.
Blessings to all,
"All things work together for good to them that serve the LORD!"

1 comment:

Rick Northup said...

Beth, I forgot to tell you last week. We found out that Wes Stai will deliver a ten yard load of rock to your site for $65.00. That is a lot of rock for that much money. It would take a long, long time to gather that many rocks by hand.